Strengthening educational experiences


Total Contributions to Date


Grants written for the school system


Funding for the arts


Grants & scholarships to teachers and students



The Education Foundation Inc. of Caldwell County is a nonprofit organization that secures funds, distributes resources, and increases support for the public schools which broaden and strengthen the educational experiences of the county’s students and educators.


Education Foundation of Caldwell County

The Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports high academic achievement and innovation in Caldwell County's public schools. The Foundation promotes cooperation between the schools and the private sector and encourages creativity and excellence in teaching by securing resources to enhance education in a rapidly changing world.

The Foundation is the only nonprofit organization in Caldwell County which exclusively supports public education. The Caldwell County School Systems consists of 24 schools, approximately 1,600 employees and 10,500 students. The county faces many challenges such as maximizing student achievement, providing a healthy and safe environment, and committing to and advancing toward changing technology.