Part of its celebration of American Education Week, (Nov. 15-19), the Education Foundation Inc. of Caldwell County recognized the outstanding work of local teachers.
The Education Foundation awarded 18 Community Education Grants totaling $30,000 to 23 educators with Caldwell County Schools, working within multiple disciplines across the county.
Community Education Grants recipients use funds for special projects that enhance educational experiences for students. They include:
Rebecca Tester, Gamewell Elementary, “Makerspace in the Making,” creating a workspace for learning, exploring, and sharing using high tech to no tech tools, $2,000.
Kim Case, Education Center, “CCS Virtual Book Club,” books for virtual students, $2,000.
Mark Crump, Kings Creek, “Drum with a BANG!” 24 bongos, $1,405.09.
Greg Woodle, William Lenoir, “Hands-on Science with Crazy Traits,” teaching abstract concepts with hands-on science materials and equipment, $2,000.
Elizabeth McQuaid, Steve Robison, Ben Watson, Gamewell Middle, “Thank you for the Music!” 8 Chromebooks for music education, $2,023.92.

Amy Philyaw, “Coding for Fun!” Coding program for the CCS coding bus, $2,000.
Tom Haney, William Lenoir, “Model UN,” Appalachian State University’s Model UN competition for students, $810.00.
Chad Davis, Gateway, “Hands-on Learning through Environscape,” teaching concepts of water conservation, nonpoint pollution, and restoration, $2,000.
Dwight McGlynn, Baton Elementary, “Hand Drums for Drum Circles,” 20 hand drums, $1,924.93.
Emilee Aldaco, Hudson Elementary, “Our Hive is As Strong as Iron,” creating molds to cast in iron at the Western NC Sculpture Center, $1,991.00.
Emily Absher, Whitnel Elementary, “Bee Bots . . . Bee Excited About Learning!” robotics for young learners, $2,000.
Chad Smith, Whitnel Elementary School, “Showcasing Sociodramatic at Title 1 Night,” transforms classrooms into environments of study, $2,000.
Tabitha Hendrix, Whitnel Elementary, “Let’s Compare Animals!” shark and squid dissections, $1,571.61.
Rachel Thomas, Kings Creek, “Hands on Math,” Mobile Math Cart, $1,650.
Adrienne Dula, Gamewell Elementary, “Hovercraft,” building and riding on a Hovercraft, $1,175.00
Carly Swartz, Kate Washburn, Elizabeth Walker, Michelle Shew, Haley Payne, Davenport A+, “Building Skills with Sociodramatic Play!” transforming classrooms into thematic learning environments, $1,743.
Tammy Knight & Jennifer Crain, Hudson Middle School, “Fetal Pigs,” dissection studies, $1,249.76.
Joseph Earp, “West Caldwell 45 Year Band Reunion Concert,” proceeds from concert fund musical instruments for West Caldwell Band Department, $920.
The Education Foundation Inc. of Caldwell County,, is an educational nonprofit that has provided funding through grants and scholarships to students and teachers in Caldwell County Schools since 1989.
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